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Check out our tips on resume and job applications!

•   The art of contacting a recruiter
•   15 ideas for a striking resume

•   TOP 100 keywords to download
•   Tips for an English resume – it's all here! Help yourself! 😁

7 tips to make your resume stand out

First, it’s crucial to have a graphic resume with a color-themed template related to your area of expertise. A resume must be attractive at first glance, with colors that standout. You can learn more about theme and color meanings in our articles published on the topic online. A well-presented resume can make a huge difference.

Make sure to have a resume title, clear header, and detailed objectives. Dedicating a paragraph under "Career Objective" on your resume is a great way to talk about your goals, ambitions, personality, and objectives. Don't hesitate to explicitly mention what you want to do, in what industry, or for what type of business.

Dedicating a topic on expertise can also be an excellent strategy. It gives a quick overview of your strengths, and also provides a list of keywords. These keywords are important because recruiters can find your profile when using job boards search engines.

A "skills" category? Why not! This can be a good way to insert keywords related to "soft skills", as long as they are not generic keywords (leadership, dynamism, etc.). Use some strong keywords that define you and stand out. Download our “Top 100 keywords to download” to help you build a solide resume. 

Inserting hypertext links adds dynamism to your resume. Add links directed towards your graphic designer profile or Linkedin profile in order to dive deeper into your background. Adding this digital aspect to your profile benefits both you and the recruiter!

Graphics can also be a great finishing touch! Show your expertise and strengths through graphics, pie charts, or graphs. This is hyper visual, and you can project yourself using graphics that can be read at a glance. A recruiter doesn’t spend much time reading each resume, so make it easier for them to get a quick overview of your profile.