Have your resume reviewed by our expert teams within your sector and business!

75% of candidates who do not review their resume have at least one or two flaws in their resume. Don’t risk losing the job of your dream.

  • We correct language mistakes

    This means that we correct spelling errors, syntax errors, enrich vocabulary, arrange content, make suggestions and improvements.

  • ATS-friendly content

    If we see that the content is not top-quality, we suggest alternative text that corresponds to your ambitions, objectives and profession.

  • Resume keywords

    We give you a list of keywords relevant to your sector, which you can insert into your resume, cover letter or Linkedin profile.

  • CV design

    Because visual layout makes up 50% of the application, we will also give input on the cv layout and design of the resume and we will eventually guide you about appropriate colors to the sector you are targeting.

If there’s a spelling mistake on the resume, you’re out. Is it really worth skipping the proofreading stage?

Syntax issues, or any doubt in the content of your resume? 

Resume Pimp is the proofreading of your resume. We read through your resume in great detail and then make comments and suggestions.

We improve your resume, speaking about you in the best way possible, giving you the key to secure interviews.

Our team reviews every detail and makes sure you are left with a solid resume. The syntax, the keywords, how you present yourself, how you announce your objectives in a concise way, etc. We give you an overview and it’s up to you to apply our suggestions to put everything in your favor.

Aim for solid resume content that works! What does that mean exactly? That means including meaningful content that shows results, expertise, and successes. Focus on detail, while creating value around your profile. It’s important to see your key skills and training if it is vital for the coveted position. Create a resume that is both rational and that arouses interest. If you read your resume, would you hire yourself?

You know the answer – so make every effort to achieve it!