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Welcoming (CV writing service)
A creative CV template formatted perfectly for you
Welcoming (CV writing service)

Very light Resumé that inspires confidence and professionalism. You can go for this one!

  • PC and MAC compatible
  • A wide selection of icons and fonts to accessorize your resume
  • Support (online chat, a series of tutorials to download)

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CV writing service "Welcoming"
Creative CV template perfecet for the modern job seeker like yourself

This Resume perfectly presents all your past work experience in a clean and attractive timeline format. The sidebar panel below show all your basic information, your contacts, and of course your skills for the job! This Resume has a format applicable to any job type out there, employers can easily look at your past job experiences with ease and your skills are excellently shown on the side. At the bottom of the side bar, there lies your educational background which puts further emphasis on your qualifications for the job.

One of the major factors that make your resume stand out from the rest is how clear, detailed and simple its design is. If you list down your interests, past experience, and skills in a well laid-out manner then your dream job isn’t far from your reach! It’s all about formatting, having the resume itself guide the reader’s eye into what you want them to read or see. A typical resume isn’t read thoroughly the first time a person sees it, they just scan. So use bigger fonts, maybe bold or italic formatting to highlight what part of the resume you want the reader to notice first. When they notice that, you then further expand it with additional information that can perfectly compliment your resume as a whole. It’s a perfect balance of being detailed and minimalist.

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 Discover all our services: resume writing, resume audit...our team is here to help you through your job application process.

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