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Proficient (Online CV to fill)
Create the perfect resume with this functional resume template
Proficient (Online CV to fill)

This CV is reaching your target audience thanks to a mix between traditional & original

  • Keynote, Google Document, Word, Powerpoint, OpenOffice, InDesign
  • PC and MAC compatible
  • A wide selection of icons and fonts to accessorize your resume
  • Support (online chat, a series of tutorials to download)

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The functional resume template has a clean design made for the modern candidate
The functional resume template lets you create your own professional profile
A functional resume template made to perfection -- there is nothing you need more!
Online CV to fill "Proficient"
The functional resume template has a clean design made for the modern candidate

The Proficient Resume excellently presents all your professional experience and skills! This easy resume template has creative and eye-catching design that is sure to get the attention of your potential employer. It comes with a perfect selection of colors, shapes, and texts that make this resume format applicable to all job types. So rest assured, this is one resume template that is sure to land you that dream job!

How can you make your resume more attractive? It’s simple, all you need is a comprehensive and effective resume format. That resume of yours is sure to land you that dream job!

Typically, resumes are scanned for about 10-30 seconds. Therefore you must present all your qualifications in a well-organized manner. To achievet this, use professional looking fonts (e.g. Calibri and Helvetica). Your font size should only be between 11-12, and use italic/bold font styles to give emphasis on all the key parts of your resume. Using graphics and symbols can also help highlight the important parts of your resume that need emphasis. Lastly, headings and subheadings can make your resume have a logical format that can make it easier to read for your potential employer.

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 Discover all our services: resume writing, resume audit...our team is here to help you through your job application process.

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