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Hard-working (Online CV to fill)
Get that dream job, Choose this functional resume template!
Hard-working (Online CV to fill)

A simple, well-ordered layout!

  • Word, OpenOffice, Google Document, Keynote, Powerpoint, InDesign
  • PC and MAC compatible
  • A wide selection of icons and fonts to accessorize your resume
  • Support (online chat, a series of tutorials to download)

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Online CV to fill "Hard-working"
This is the perfect functional resume template with an excellent balance of style and professionalism

Need a resume which perfectly highlights your professional experience and skills? Well, the Hard-working resume template is just what you're looking for! It's simple and clean design allows all essential information, such as: past work experience, educational background, skills, and interests to be presented in an easily understandable manner. If you're the hard-working type that is aiming for any type of job—this resume is perfect for you!

Most times, what can make it or break it for an applicant is how his/her resume is formatted and presented. One has a higher chance of getting hired when they have a clear and comprehensive resume—a resume that contains no fuss whatsoever, direct to the point, and well-detailed. One way to achieve that kind of resume is to make it short, but substantial. Use professional looking fonts like Seriff fonts, and limit your font size to just about 11-12—this allows your content to be short, but still easily readable. But it's not just about font styles and sizes, what really makes a resume great is how well-detailed all the essential information is— but don't make it too long. Keep each part of the resume no more than five lines long.

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 Discover all our services: resume writing, resume audit...our team is here to help you through your job application process.

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