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CV by originality: Traditional CV

There are a lot of factors that come in to play when creating an effective traditional resume. From the font, format, to even the colors used – everything plays its part to create the perfect resume sample.

The most important content in any resume is the skill section – and how can you present your skills? Emphasizing your skills can grab the attention of your recruiter and can ultimately lead you to get hired.

As you focus on different job postings, rework your resume’s skill section to emphasize the skill set that is most relevant for each (oppose to using the same language for every job). Applicant tracking systems are automated programs used to scan resumes and look for relevant keywords. The trick to making it in the “yes” pile, so one must identify the phrases from the job posting and mirror them on their resume.

Lastly, no program or human is specifically looking for soft skills, so delete overused terms like “quick learner,” “hard worker,” and”great attitude,” and replace them with harder skills. Distinguishable tech and social media knowledge are particularly relevant in today’s job market.