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CV by Job type: Media CV

To get yourself a TV, radio or newspaper job, you must create a media resume sample that gets noticed instantly. There’s stiff competition out there in the media world, and your resume must stand out from dozens, if not hundreds of other resumes. Standing out is critical.

Take a look at your current resume and consider what points are missing or need improvement. The days of printing hundreds of resumes to send out to companies are over; use technology to your advantage by highlighting different aspects of your experiences for each job opening.

Don’t just cover the basics; go well beyond them when creating your resume.  If your experience includes working for the largest newspaper in the state, say so. Include points such as market size so your potential employer will know what kind of work environment you’ve been experiencing. Small or big companies, explain what you did there it will certainly make the difference.

Keep that resume of yours on one page! Condense information at the bottom of your resume so that you'll have more room at the top for your most up-to-date experience.

Standing out in the media world is a daunting task, but if you tailor your resume to fit each job, go beyond basic information and keeping the forum clean and crisp, there is no way your resume will go unnoticed!