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CV by experience: High School Student CV

Finding a great job as a student can be a difficult task, most employers prefer experience over education. But that doesn’t mean all hope is lost for you – starting now, you can build your own personal brand.

Here, we’ll give you ways to communicate your personal brand on your student resume sample.

Send your resume with a cover letter for a job, share your thoughts and experience via social media or blogs, network at conferences, or just by chatting with other parents or teachers can make a huge difference. Imagine how powerful would it be if you would always say the same thing, and imagine if your colleagues – even the recruiters to start describing you the same?

There is a lot of pressure on young professionals to know what their key value truly is because it’s an understood fact that they’re still discovering it. So get a head start, practice a way to communicate what makes you different.

Think about the things that drive you, what makes you different from the rest, what is your professional motivation? – Once you have a clear understanding of what value you add, you can communicate through your resume and other platforms easily.