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Marketing-3 (Cover letter to download)
All the sections written in this professional  cover letter template is perfectly tailored for the modern job seeker
Marketing-3 (Cover letter to download)

A well-organized cover letter template that presents all your qualifications perfectly.

  • InDesign, Google Document, Powerpoint, Keynote, Word
  • PC and MAC compatible
  • A wide selection of icons and fonts to accessorize your resume
  • Support (online chat, a series of tutorials to download)

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Colors and shapes make this professional  cover letter template the perfect blend of creative and functional
Looking for a bump in your career? This is the best professional cover letter template of choice
Every section is very well written in this professional  cover letter template
Cover letter to download "Marketing-3"
Colors and shapes make this professional  cover letter template the perfect blend of creative and functional

This template has a very well organized Cover letter design that will present all your information with great readability. This cover letter template features an excellent selection of colors, shapes and texts that bring about an eye-catching and effective cover letter  design, which can be used for marketing directors! If you have a solid set of skills and professional experience, then you will find this cover letter a perfect match as it shows all your qualifications with great, eye-catching detail that is sure to impress.

Be clear and concise. That's the way to make a more effective and eye-catching cover letter that will get you more attention from recruiters, impress more hiring managers and get you hired faster!

Use professional fonts like Serif or Sans Serif. Choose a font size between 11 and 12 to lessen the clutter. Selectively apply bold or italic font styles to guide the reader's eyes along with your letter. Make use of bullets and graphics to give emphasis on the key phrases within your cover letter. And finally, give your cover letter a logical format by using wide-margins, headings, and subheadings.

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 Discover all our services: resume writing, resume audit...our team is here to help you through your job application process.

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