Letters by Job Type: Secretary
There might be a lot of pressure for you to write the perfect cover letter. Apart from your resume, this document might make it or break for you. But it’s important, especially in the secretarial world, to relax and let your cover letter breath and become natural.
Here’s a simple mind trick to help you get positive before writing your cover letter. Pretend that the person you’re writing to already loves and respects you. Pretend that the person you’re writing to already believes that you’re worthy and valuable. Pretend that the person you’re writing to doesn’t need a big sales pitch. The right words will come out more easily that way!
And your cover letter doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, there are plenty of ways to spice things up! Play with the format, make it more visual, make it more creative – this will likely improve your chances of a call back. If you are applying for corporate position, stick with a traditional format, but make it a more conversational piece that includes a story about how you first came in contact with the company. Do this and your cover letter will surely stand out.
If you do need help, there are cover letter templates available online to get you started. Good luck!