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Punchy (CV writing service)
The format mixes perfect with the design to create an effective work resume
Punchy (CV writing service)

This CV gives the right information and informs clearly the reader about the candidate's expertise

  • PC and MAC compatible
  • A wide selection of icons and fonts to accessorize your resume
  • Support (online chat, a series of tutorials to download)

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CV writing service "Punchy"
A work resume template with a superb design and format

Looking for resume that can effectively get the attention of your potential employer? Well, look no further—as the Punchy Resume is just what you're looking for! This easy resume template possesses an excellent selection of colors, shapes, and texts that form together to create a creative and eye-catching resume design. This resume has a clear and readable format that is perfect for any kind of job you're applying to! So rest assured, this is one resume template that will surely land you that dream job!

How to build a resume that can get the attention of your potential employer? That's simple—it's by having a clear and effective resume format! Your resume may just land you that dream job! One of the major factors that can make a resume great or even perfect is how well its lay-out and over-all look is made. Most of the time resumes are just scanned for about 10-30 seconds. Therefore, you must put the effort in making a well-organized resume format. To create such a resume, use simple yet professional looking fonts such as Seriff or Sans Seriff, choose a font size between 11 and 12, and use italic/bold font styles to help guide your reader's eyes throughout your resume. Using bullets and symbols can help emphasize the key parts of your resume. Headings and subheadings can give your resume a logical format that makes it easier to read and also helps highlight the parts of your resume that need to be emphasized.

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 Discover all our services: resume writing, resume audit...our team is here to help you through your job application process.

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