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Mysterious (CV writing service)
You are to land an interview with this modern resume template!
Mysterious (CV writing service)

The font are very original, and makes this resume perfect for communication or creative profiles.

  • PC and MAC compatible
  • A wide selection of icons and fonts to accessorize your resume
  • Support (online chat, a series of tutorials to download)

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CV writing service "Mysterious"
A modern resume template with a creative twist thanks to the graphics used!

The Mysterious Resume is a great example of a modern CV template that perfectly paints a professional picture of the candidate! This resume template features a great selection of colors, styles, and texts that present all the key content readily to your potential employer. Applicants who possess a solid set of qualifications will find this resume extremely effective as it lists down all the sections, from professional experiences down to skills, all of it can be immediately seen by your potential employer. So what else do you need? All of it can be found in the Mysterious Resume!

A good resume should only contain relevant points that benefit your core argument (e.g. Why should you get hired) This will effectively make your CV more pleasing the recruiter’s eyes, while presenting all your information in very good detail. Use effective actions words such as like prepared, managed, developed, etc.… Avoid using the same verb over and over again, doing so makes your resume more professional. Use efficient word choices to clear up some space. Get rid of over-flowering adverbs or adjectives. Lastly, be positive! Don’t include negative information that don’t affect your performance in the work place.

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 Discover all our services: resume writing, resume audit...our team is here to help you through your job application process.

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